
ARROW Among The Ten Most Pirated Television Shows Of 2013

Arrow has had another very successful year, with its second season premiering last fall and a spin-off pilot starring The Flash in development. Unsurprisingly, however, the hit DC Comics series was also a victim of piracy. Torrent Freak has compiled a list of the ten most pirated television shows of 2013, and Arrow rounds out the list at #10. With approximately 3,240,000 TV viewers in the United States, the CW show has an estimated number of 2,200,000 torrent downloads. The list features other very popular TV shows – such as Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory and The Walking Dead. You can check it out in its entirety by clicking the link above.
Arrow is currently on hiatus, and the season will resume airing on The CW on January 15th. 

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of WOBAM! Entertainment.